Lake Coeur D' Alene- Located just a stones throw off of Interstate 90 in North Idaho is Lake Coeur D' Alene. Lake Coeur D' Alene has many different types of fishing opportunities as well as some beautiful scenery. This lake is roughly 25 miles long and covers approximately 50 square miles. Landlocked Chinook Salmon, Northern Pike, Smallmouth and Largmouth Bass, Kokanee Salmon and several panfish species are all available for the catching. Lake Coeur D' Alene is very accessible and offers year round fishing opportunities!

Lake Pend Orielle- A short drive north of Couer D' Alene Idaho lies the largest lake in North Idaho, Lake Pend Orielle. Lake Pend Orielle is the 5th deepest lake in the united states with the deepest part of the lake reaching depths of 1150 feet. Lake Pend Orielle is approximately 45 miles long and covers almost 150 square miles. Since most of the lakes 111 miles of shoreline is unpopulated, Lake Pend Orielle offers not only fantastic fishing but some of the most beautiful scenery in North Idaho. Adventure Guide Service offers half day and full day trips on Lake Pend Orielle for Lake Trout, Kokanee Salmon, and Kamloop Rainbow Trout. Lake Pend Orielle also holds several other species of game fish including Large and Smallmout Bass, Northern Pike, and panfish.

Priest Lake- Nestled in the mountains in the northern most portion of Idaho is Priest Lake. Lower Priest Lake is 19 miles long and offers some of the best lake trout fishing in the region. Along with Lake Trout, Priest Lake also offers up some fantastic Smallmouth Bass fishing if you know where to look, which we do. Adventure Guide Service offers Full Day Trips on Priest Lake for either species. Whether you are looking to land a trophy Lake Trout or catch a lot of fish in a single day, Priest Lake can be the one of the best places to accomplish this!

Columbia River- Here at Adventure Guide Service our true passion is catching BIG FISH! We offer full day fishing trips on the Columbia River for Summer and Fall Chinooks. During the summer we also offer fishing trips for Sockeye Salmon along with Summer Chinook Salmon. In the summer we will be chasing Sockeye and Chinooks near the mouth of the Okanogan River. During the fall we spealize in catching monster fall run Chinooks in the Hanford Reach stretch of the Columbia River. These trips book very fast and early in the year so to reserve your date it is best to book it early. The 2014 Fall Chinook run is predicted to be one of the largest if not the largest run on record.